Google Document (Sleepover) Links

(Mobile) Google Doc
*Use this if you want something simple, or can’t load the Raw Document*
-Mobile HTML, does not allow commenting. Can read comments via citation system (click letters to read citation, then click letters again to return to reading place). It’s a janky, distracting and rudimentary comment system, but it works on a toaster.

(Raw) Google Doc
*Use this if you’re on a powerful Laptop or PC*
-Original Document, intended format, Allows Reading/Posting comments that thousands of anons have left across the story. If your device can support it and the load time, trust me they’re worth it. Warning: Suggested Edits (Forced on if i allow comments) may make the document a mess, if you feel like helping to moderate the suggested edit feature , read this. Suggested Edits do not appear on the Published or Mobile documents.

(Published) Google Doc
-HTML, Loads 1000x Faster, Can’t post or read comments from anons. Use this if your device has trouble loading the Mobile Document. (Some Tablets and Laptops seem to have that issue)