Road Trip Updates #19-20-21 : July 1st-July 11th


Update #19 : July 1st


>… you’re joking right
>Hold on
>*Takes a drink of water*
>*Spits it out*
>I’m uhh…
>I’m actually at a loss
>I’m not qualified to explain this
>Her mouth is practically curved into a question mark in a quizzical expression
>Not really, but it’s just what that looks like.
>She’s still smiling though, or her eyes are
>She attempts the amazing feat of snuggling up to my arm
>Breast to either side
>[spoiler]Fuck yeah[/spoiler]
>Eyes still facing me, never once lost eye contact.
>Practically a rainbow of smiling eyes.


>[spoiler]You ever heard a guy try to explain a female orgasm
>It’s a fucking trainwreck
>An amount of magical bullshit and conjecture that could propel the north korean space program to the moon and back.
>Really, it’s that bad.
>and i knew it was that bad, oh man the truth is that women are JUST as bad at telling men what it feels like
>So they tell the guy an awful example that men don’t even think feels the same way, and then men pass it down. [/spoiler]
>So i try the best way i can probably explain it
>”Alright, you know what i just gave you?”
>She perks up from the snuggle
>”You didn’t give me anything?”
>She’s a non-native english speaker, i guess “Give” is a little more literal in other languages.
>”Made you feel, what i made you feel! What did it feel like!”
>I put emphasis on feel
>She did her job as a girl though
>”yeah… it felt like… ”
>She nuzzles her nose into my arm
>”really nice~”
>See what i mean


>They can’t seem to explain what it feels like either
>It’s a god damn mystery to everyone
>But i poke and prod her a couple more times.
>She gives me some explainations i’ve never heard before
>Different words
>”Smooth, and shivvery, like ice cream”
>”Like a bird wanting to fly, but can’t get off the ground”
>It’s always a treat to ask a girl what it felt like
>They always make it the best effort to tell you exactly ,and it never makes any sense
>But it sounds awesome every time
>Unluckily she made it pretty clear that i actually didn’t get her off at all
>She got all fluttery, and icecreamy, then got scared
>Told me i was moving with my au-
>Made me stop
>Something about being so sensitive that she couldn’t take it anymore too.
>Well, i was going to fix that
>Or not


>Might as well use an awful line here
>”Tell you what, instead of explaining ill show you”
>She knows its an awful line
>I get a smile
>She tells me i sound “Quirky”
>I think she means awkward
>No comment
>I grab her head again, pull it up and nuzzle in for another kiss.
>She’s still a damn tease
>Not comfortable with kissing maybe
>But every time i lead, she seems to run away
>I give up on getting a full one ,and just go back to half-kisses
>trail my hand down to her stomach
>Down to her belly button
>Tickle it
>She giggles into my mouth


>I manage to slide my hand lower
>And lower
>Waistband of those panties
>I realize they’ve been completely flush with her curves
>I said this earlier
>They’re soaked through and through from the shower, any maybe something else but i can’t tell
>But the one thing i can see for sure is they’re sticking to her like a wet piece of cloth
>And i slide my first two fingers, snap back the waistband.
>She stops kissing me and just looks down
>Like she’s curious what i’m doing
>I think she is
>I get my hand down ,and finally get those pieces fit together
>Her panties are flush with her skin because she’s completely smooth.
>I mean SMOOTH smooth
>Well that’s bad
>I better not be fingering an 11 year old over here.


>I mean im pretty bad at telling girl’s ages but this is rediculous
>Babybutt smooth
>She can’t be that young
>It’s soft and squishy and oh god
>I yank my hand away
>I don’t know if im paranoid or what, but fuck i’ve had raven shave and that shit aint ever that smooth
>Plus i’ve been with gadget, unless she shaved while i was sleeping she would have scratchy stubble and i should be able to feel it.
>I pull back
>She could be like an underage spy sent here to watch us and feed back info to her masters
>I know north korea does that, maybe other countries do too.
>Gadget instantly worried
>Yeah, imagine that previous self esteem breast reaction, except a thousand times worse
>Nothing like someone deciding they dont want thier hand in your pants after all
>I try to alleviate it
>By making it worse
>”You’re not secretly younger than i think you are right?”
>She’s confused


>She’s still confused
>Probably also insulted
>Probably mood also ruined
>Got her mouth open in a little “o” questioning what the hell i’m talking about
>I try to elaborate
>Operative word “try”
>”Gadget, you don’t have any hair”
>Her “O” changes to a smile
>I hear her exhale a funny puff of hot air at me
>”Yeah, duh”
>What duh
>What do you mean DUH
>I try to ask “why”
>She just gives me a simple mysterious sentence
>”Secret, from home country”
>W… what


>”You’re absolutely sure you’re not secretly a little girl or something?”
>She’s giggling up a storm
>Responds with the best one liner i’ve heard in weeks
>”I have breasts do i not?”
>I guess those two are connected
>Using my primitive male knowledge that seems about right.
>i hope
>[spoiler]Don’t worry they are[/spoiler]
>I tentatively reach a hand back down
>Still smooth as a baby’s butt
>No Pedo
>But i get to enjoy the texture and softness of the skin
>Something that i’ll tell you right now, you just can’t enjoy properly with any kind of hair or bristle down there.
>It’s just like people have different kinds of skin
>and lewd skins are just softer
>I could trace circles all day down here, but my goal was to get her off because i left her hanging earlier
>She would be all pent up all night if i left it where it was
>[spoiler]Yes, women are exactly the same as men, stop pretending it’s not true[/spoiler]

>I Make my best effort
>Fingering a sitting girl isn’t an easy task
>It’s a ton of rubbing, squeezing, squiggling and scrunching your fingers up to get those hard to clean places
>But i mean it was fine, because i was distracted trying to kiss this damn slimly slippery brown fish i had in my arms
>She was squirming out of control every time i squiggled or scrunched
>Let me kiss her already
>Ended up flopped on the floor, squirming around with me above her
>Pinning her head back and forth
>alright i give up
>I stop
>”Why won’t you kiss me!”
>I’m serious
>I want a kiss damnit
>She’s giggles, copying a phrase she’d heard elsewhere
>”I dun wanna”


>Fucking tease
>I slide her over against the wall
>Press her head softly back into the crease between the shower floor and the tile, and go in
>She’s smiling
>Can’t escape
>I get her, full mouth to mouth
>Tongues even, shame i can’t taste anything but liquor
>I make it last
>Fingering her all the while
>She starts making sounds
>Hahahah ,i start laughing
>Pull back
>She’s got her face scrunched up in what looks to be pain
>Oh no
>She’s saying “ow ow ow ow ow” over and over again

>I pull back, and stop everything
>Then she looks at me like i’m crazy
>”No! Keep going!”
>”You’re saying OW, that means pain”
>She’s instant
>”No! It means good, please…”
>Seems i’m wrong
>That’s not a good sound where i come from
>that means stop you’re hurting me
>Freaking exotic women i swear
>But she’s begging, that “please”…
>I’m going to assume “Yes” means ow you’re hurting me from now on
>Or that she’ll shove me off
>So i keep doing what i was doing
>But what about the fa-
>She stops me when i go in for a kiss
>”Your breath tastes like liquor, yucky”
>That explains the face


>No wonder she doesn’t want to kiss me, i muse to myself, still fingering her.
>I mean why stop, she can’t taste me down there.
>I taste my mouth
>don’t taste any liquor
>Im not sure if i should be able to taste it though.
>Does that mean
>I hear a hiccup
>It wasn’t me
>She’s the one with the alcohol flavored breath
>Making me stop
>I inform her
>”We probably both taste like alcohol, put up with it so i can kiss you!”
>She’s giggles again
>Pouts a breathy “OK”
>Along with lots of other sounds
>Not all of them sounding painful now
>So i go back in for a kiss
>Get my tongue on hers
>She burps5853763533_1199602f0e_b.jpg


>Oh god
>I can taste her up here
>The gin
>Stomach acid
>This tastes awful
>I pull up laughing
>Mostly because of how unladlylike that was
>And because laughing is the only way im going to not vomit
>She’s far far gone
>Not giggling herself, just panting and looking up
>At the ceiling of course
>There’s a look on her face that i can best describe as calm content exctacy.
>Those eyes almost rolling back into her head
>Then thats it
>She’s bolt upright
>ramped off the building and did a backflip and landed
>Squeezing my arm with all of her strength
>Screaming at the top of lung.
>to be continued?~
>I can feel her entire body spasming
>Every time she squeezes me along with everything else
>And over
>And over
>I’ve long since stopped moving my fingers


>But again, and again she squeezes my arms, my hand between her thighs
>Little pants and squeals after the fact
>I think she’s done, maybe five minutes later
>Latched on like a clamp though
>Won’t let go
>She mumbles something along the lines of “thanks for giving me…”
>I ask and make sure
>She gives an answer like a breath of fresh air
>Sweet i took her-
>There’s a knock on the door
>Loud actually
>Alright fuck it better not be frec-
>”Is she alright?”
>Its penny, she’s talking about uncle gadget.
>It’s alright i’ll just tell her to go away
>I start to tell her
>Except then she wiggles the door knob
>And fuck this motel
>The door just jangles a bit and opens, unlocks and everything


>Whats left is penny standing there
>I’ve got my hand in gadget’s panties
>One innocent, one evil hand
>I wave with the innocent one, the other makes me doctor claw.
>Even if glasses already took that title.
>Penny’s just standing there dumbstruck
>Or not
>She just grins
>”Yeah? So what, you mistake her for raven sleeping beside you too?”
>damnit blondie
>She’s just standing there, door wide open, hands on hips
>”Close that door before anyone sees!” i snap at her.
>She doesn’t move
>”We have this room alone, they’re all sleeping in the other one”
>She nods


>Blondie stamps her foot down
>”Still though, you didn’t hurt her right?”
>I realize gadget’s just limp on my arm now
>She’s got her head peacefully on my shoulder
>Eyes closed; smiling
>”Naw she’s fine”
>Blondie won’t take that answer, she stomps over
>”She doesn’t sound or look fine…”
>Yeah well
>I point out what gadget confirmed for me
>”That, i think… was her first O”
>Blondie’s turn to look absolutely in amazement
>Or wait she was doing that already
>”Seriously? Wow”
>I get a smile from her after that
>Tells me she saw me in the car with raven earlier
>Says i had a great “O” too, she saw my face.
>I Blush a little bit.

>Fair play though, i turn it around
>I pull out my fingers
>Why the hell not
>Seductively lick them, right in front of blondie
>They dont taste like anything really, little bit sour like iron or something.
>Blondie grins
>”Stop it or you’ll make me want a turn… anyway why are you cheating on raven INTENTIONALLY now?”
>Well she’s right , except freckles probably counted too.
>Difference was, i felt bad about freckles
>No regret here
>I think gadget was out cold snoozing happily on my arm
>”You mean you werent listening at the door with freckles?”
>She does her usual thing
>Goes lobster red
>Cutest blush that you ever did see, and because she was in pajamas you could see it went to her bellybutton too
>But i already knew that
>She clarifies they were only listening to some of it, and didn’t hear the first bits, because she wouldn’t let freckles get close at first
>Based blondie
>”But then freckles said we had to make sure gadget was safe, and i couldn’t stop her”
>damnit freckles


>I don’t really know what to say about raven
>Only girl i wanted to tell was gadget, because she was like my go-to friend besides the two cheaterrrss.
>”I figured you heard”
>Shes confused
>”What, heard what?”
>It doesn’t need to be said what i told her
>But you know
>I ended it with
>”But yeah, open season now, want a turn?”
>She’s back to blushing, and hides behind the showerframe
>I continue, why the hell not
>Room to ourselves and all
>”Yeah, if you want, help me slide gadget into the other bed and i’ll fuck you right now”
>After that comes out, i realize i might have just fucked myself over
>that was crazy forward
>But i mean it was what was on my mind
>Hopefully it was on hers too
>I can’t read her face since its half hidden
>But i can read her eyes
>They’re bedroom eyes
>Crystal Blue, Eyelashes fluttering seductively
>Except for one word that comes from her mouth


>im mentally screaming this
>Its too late
>She says those words every male dreads
>”I’m on my period”
>Then gadget mumbles
>”Me too”
>I tasted my fingers


>I put that last bit out of my mind
>”Got any Condoms”
>That’s a nope from blondie and gadget is pretty much snoozing
>Alright forget it
>I’m fuzzy on details because i don’t deal with it with Raven
>But im pretty sure thats a no-go on sex.
>[spoiler]For lots of reasons really, messy, uncomfortable, all kinds of things
>I’ve known women who get terrible cramps during sex when they’re on the rag, and i’ve known women who are perfectly fine with it, but just don’t want to.
>So if they bring up “No i’m on the period” as an excuse, you’re shuck out of luck anons
>Or you can just to them in the shower and run em through anyway, but i didn’t know that at the time[/spoiler]
>I pull my arm and the girl up together, turn off the water and walk her out groggily.
>I’m not getting any poon, tang tonight… dang.
>Blondie grabs gadget’s other arm and we maneuver the topless and wet angel into toweling range
>At which point we towel the fuck out of her
>Tickling her as we go
>I’m pretty sure i feel up every inch, every curve of her body i hadn’t already touched
>She giggles sleepily the entire way, but damn if it isn’t adorable
>Plus i get to inspect everything up close
>that beautiful creamy texture never ends
>I tickle it and towel it all dry
>even that part that seems to not want to get dry
>Blondie just seems to toweling the top bits, and leaves me all the bottom ones
>Thanks blondie

>Gadget appropriately dried, she’s not really asleep anymore
>I still tell her to go lie down because i want to ravish blondie now
>I think those were my exact words
>Gadget and Blondie give mirrored hiccups
>Blondie didn’t even drink anything
>Fookin adorabul
>Gadget says “I wanna watch”
>We pick her up, carry her out of the bathroom and plop her on the bed
>Then i turn around
>Stare at blondie for a minute
>She stares back
>Gadget’s looking on
>Oh man this is awful, this is going to be awful i know it.
>Too late to stop now.
>I grab blondie around the waist
>Huge hug, pick her up and give her a twirl
>Full 360 spin
>Then i set her down
>Step back
>Say one word to the flustered smiling girl.


>She says “Hi “back
>I’m in
>Shes properly seduced
>Foreplay complete
>Smiling eyes
>I tackle her against the wall and start the makeout session
>Blondie aint afraid of no kissing
>I knew this from the sleepover
>Hadn’t changed one bit, but her technique had
>She was passive, but atleast gave some real effort this time.
>And she tasted like sweet oak
>Syrupy even
>I growl this at her
>Im pretty sure gadget is cheering off in the background
>Like its a soccer game
>I’m definitely winning, she’s up against a wall
>and i get a hand on her chest
>She’s not wearing a bra
>Neither am i


>She thinks i need to be wearing less however
>I find a hand sliding my boxers down
>Knowing her, she wants to steal them.
>I push her hands off
>She grins
>Pushes me back away from the wall
>Hahaha, i lose my footing and step backwards
>She’s after me giggling, and we start a shoving and kissing competition
>I hit the bed, she’s on top
>She hits the other bed, i’m on top
>Gadget’s screaming “GOAAAALLLLLLLL”
>Well throughout most the entire thing
>Im not sure whos goal it was anymore
>I tackle her down and it’s tongue tug of war
>Then real tug of war because i go for her pants
>She’s kicking back
>Gets me right in the stomach with her right leg
>God damnit blo-
>I stagger backwar-
>Hit the cabinet
>Right on my back


>I mean at first it seems and sounds like she just did the exact fucking same thing from the sleepover
>Hit that stupid nerve
>Stunned me, can’t breathe, whatever.
>But no corners this time, im pretty sure im fine
>The cabinet made a hell of a racket, clattering against the wall.
>Making the split second assessment, it hurt like hell, i hit my heels on the hard wood, and my right shoulder.
>But I’m fine
>Gadget shrieks
>I have enough time to look up at her open mouth and pointing hand
>Before something huge and heavy hits me on the back


>Oh no maybe im not fine
>Believe it or not i was thinking this to myself as i went down
>That and
>”This rug is disgusting”
>Pretty sure i could see a toenail
>Hit the floor
>Chest first
>then my face
> then my arms
>Maybe i was flapping to try to keep my altitude, but i went flat
>Whatever it was that was on my back was heavy as hell
>Big, round, must have been as heavy as a small child
>I couldn’t move


>I also try that breathing thing
>Also doesn’t work
>Not good, i need that air stuff
>We went over this last night
>I hear shouting
>Something along the lines of “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GET IT OFF HIM”
>I think its gadget yelling
>Well my ears work
>I blink
>Eyes too
>It’s a minute
>More yelling at something
>One of the girls is yelling at the other to move her fucking ass and help
>I don’t understand what’s gone on, probably collapsed the room on myself or something
>Good as dead
>It doesn’t hurt though, im pretty happy here
>Must be getting air somehow
>Then i see hands
>White hands, so blondie
>They flit around, and then it seems the big heavy thing is being hauled off my back
>It rolls off my and to the side


>more yelling, someone saying “Hold this”
>Then im dragged off across the room
>brown hands
>Then she lets go and runs off again
>Then she’s back
>No clue what she’s done, but thanks i guess
>I think i can probably move, so i try
>Actually besides my back hurting like hell, i think i’m more or less fine.
>I try to get up
>Hand on my shoulder
>”Don’t move for a sec”
>A… alright wh~Y OH GOD
>She punches me right in the spine


>Then it stops
>Oh, well maybe she fixed something
>I sit up
>No pain
>Oh, alright i guess
>Check myself over, nope, no breaks, no bruises, nothing too bad
>Im worried about the spine bit
>”What uhh.. why did you punch me”
>I get some answer about something looking dislocated, a disc slip or something else
>o… ow
>I try twisting my upper abomen
>Little sore on my spine, but no serious pain
>Doctor gadget punched me back to good health i guess, so i look over at the mess where i was lying.
>One of those giant 40+ inch cathode ray TVs lying on the ground
>Blondie sitting cross legged crying beside it
>Cabinet propped up against the wall
>I had the TV fall on me
>And the cabinet
>Huge ass teak or something cabinet+Tv probably weigh 200 pounds or something
>Those old TVs weighed a rediculous amount, specially the bigger ones.
>Why am i not dead
>I ask that.


>You know, ask how the hell i survived a big ass cabinet falling on me after a TV
>Gadget clarifies
>”The cabinet didn’t fall on you, i stopped it”
>What, across the room in like 2 seconds to save my life
>That makes sense why she was yelling, blondie must have been sitting there not doing anything
> the TV half on me half being held down by the cabinet.
>As gadget was trying to keep the damn cabinet from falling.
>I make out a “Thank you” as loud as i can
>Pretty sure gadget’s beaming
>Grind myself up onto the bed and off this terrible carpet
>Remind myself that gadget needs a pay raise and i need to hire an assasin to take care of blondie for me
>I mean im used to it by now, but its such a fucking bummer
>Every time i try anything she just tries to ki-
>No excuses this time
>I watch gadget get up
>Cross the room
>Grab blondie by the scruff of her nightshirt and haul her to her feet.
>Quite a sight, considering gadget is still just in panties, but she’s got some real strength hidden in those arms.


>Gadget hauls blondie up
>A kicking and squirming blondie
>Apologies all around
>Gadget doesn’t give no fucks, aint one to clank with
>practically throws blondie onto the bed
>Then chases her and throttles the poor girl
>That’s not a nice yell, that’s a growl
>Blondie’s squealing like a stuck pig, until gadget growls at her to shut up
>Then she’s silent
>This is true
>I’m actually trying to scoot up the bed myself
>Fuck i didn’t realize gadget had a temper like this
>Even if it’s not perfect grammar, she’s not mixing words.
>She keeps it up
>Her voice almost lost her pitch, more animal than girl at that point
>Poor blondie
>She is desperately trying to escape now
>I can see she’s terrified, crying, squirming, everything to try to get loose
>Even trying to slide out of her shirt to get away, but gadget just holds her still
>Legs locked by a well placed knee
>an iron grip to prevent the rest.
>A pause, and for a rare moment i think blondes there was on the receiving end of some eye lasers
>Poor blondie, doesn’t even move
>Which, Gadget sees as an issue, as she shrillly adds.
>This shocks the her into movement.
>practically trying to nod her head off
>Until gadget is satisfied, then she lets go of the poor girl and sets her eyes on me
>… uh oh
>I start scrambling up the bed in pain trying to escape behind some pillows or something
>But there’s nowhere to hide
>Gadget’s on me, hands around my throat
>Can feel her squeezing the life out of me

>Except its not really a life squeeze
>Just a cuddle squeeze
>I find her curled up, arms around me
>O.. ok
>Soft with me, hard with blondie
>Gadget’s breasts press against my chest and i realize she’s pretty hot temperature wise
>[spoiler]Agitated, angry emotions do that, seriously.
>It’s a thing, look it up.[/spoiler]
>She makes a demand for blondie to turn out the lights, and that we’re going to sleep
>Who knows what time it is
>Blondie doesn’t take that very well
>”No! wait i wanted to sleep in the same  bed a-”
>Gadget interrupts her quick
>”Yeah fuck off, you nearly killed him”
>That’s true but blondie is pretty cuddly gadget
>You don’t want to pass up her offers to cuddle, long as you wear bulletproof armor.
>I can tell blondie took that badly
>Terribly actually
>I see her tearing up across the room staring at me
>Gadget can’t see her
>But she’s sobbing

>That’ll stand up in a court of law about as well as
>which coincidentally would probably stand up in a court of law pretty well if you played the crazy card.
>Still, Blondie was in tears
>She was blabbing on about how we were going to cuddle and all she wanted to do was sleep next to me once to know what it-
>Gadget interrupted her
>But she just gets louder a second or two later
>Sobbing about how i was going to wake her up and she-
>”Shut up…”
>A low rumbling growl from the lioness pressed against my chest.
>Interrupted again
>I smile to myself, but yeah blondie’s torn herself into some kind of emotional wreck here
>Like she’d just ruined a relationship all on her own or something
>I can’t figure it out, i didn’t know she wanted to cuddle
>Lonely maybe?
>No clue what her thoughts were

>I can still hear her tearing herself to emotional shreds though
>As much as i hate the almost dying, totes used to it by now.
>Plus, i can’t be mad at blondie
>Too cute
>Not possible
>So i offer her an out
>She stops
>Sniffles from across the room
>”Tell you what, you stop hurting me and ill cuddle with you some alright?”
>Another sniff from across the room
>She’s got a runny nose from crying for sure
>”Long as you don’t hurt me, ill-
>She knows what im going to say and interrupts
>”I wont ill be super careful i promise!”
>Gadget growls again
>Down girl
>Let her sleep on it and not kill me tomorrow
>I confirm blondie’s agreement
>She turns out the lights
>I feel a pressure on the bed
>Blondie trying to get in with us
>Then some kind of hiss and a yowl
>Catfight or something
>Blondie ends up alone in her own bed ,gadget practically draped around my arm like a purring kitten
>We all pass out
>My back still kinda hurts though, wheres a backrub when you need one



Update #20 : July 5th


>As a rule i try to make sure i wake up first when i’m sleeping with women
>Doesn’t always happen, but i’m usually up and down multiple times before they even start to peek out from under the covers.
>It’s a personal preference thing, i like to be the one to wake THEM up
>Usually, if i can manage.
>Most the time i’d wake up at the same time
>They squirm a bit, i waggle a bit more and we wake up together in one another’s arms
>Raven was like that most the time
>we already know what happens when i get up first.
>I wasn’t the first to wake up, not even close
>I got blindsided
>By two things
>Morning wood in my boxers, uncommon for me
>Followed by a good neighbor, a hand
>That’s just a plain rarity.


>Gadget, far far too good for me
>She’s got her hand lazily tracing patterns
>One finger, then another, back and forth across what i realize is probably her fault
>Figure Eight
>Some letters
>A huge circle that encompassed some other sensitive skin
>The entire nurbergring (i swear!)
>A portrait of my fourth grade english teache-
>You get it though
>Fingers, tracing
>Mostly because it doesn’t feel like anything, nothing at all
>Just like you take your own fingers and trace
>Its teasing, playing, tooling, toying, god damn torture is what it is.
>Illegal under at least seven or eight parts of the genevia convention, merely a minute or two has me already begging to sell out my country for sweet full hand contact.
>Aint gonna happen though
>I can tell from the angle gadget’s sleeping at, she can’t actually get her full hand up and around my front for contact
>Sleeping on her elbow i am, probably numb as hell it is.
>One with the force to accomplish the impossible she must be.
>Is it still the stranger if her hand is numb?

>The tracing continues, She’s technically spooning me
>Not too much wiggling from her, none at all really, but i can tell it’s the arm im lying on that’s got me.
>So its time to play back, i reach my other arm back up and over.
>Wierd as hell angle
>Doesn’t matter, i get where i’m headed
>she’s kind of pressing into me and squeezing, but i get the top one.
>I shall call her squishy and she shall be mine and she shall be my squishy.
>Squishy Squishy!
>In all seriousness, there’s just something about playing with breasts
>the texture, sponginess, softness and warmth of them in your hands.
>Plus i never really got to play with any decently sized ones, not for ages.
>So there’s a bit of re-exploration, as i try to decide what gadget likes the most
>I try to lead myself on by the sounds she’s making, but it’s quiet
>Little breaths here and there, i go where they quicken and stay away from where they slow.
>It’s a different experience when she’s teasing you and you’re just teasing her
>Not really actively trying to get her off or anything
>Just teasing right back
>Because fair game is fair game.

>Teasing breasts is always an adventure, a guess at what you’re doing
>But not here
>Practically anything i touched was instantly covered in goosebumps
>Seconds of teasing
>Turned to minutes, time and time again i circled a nipple, teased a point from what she had.
>Then i squeezed
>and holy fuck she stopped
>Moved her hand
>Full palm and finger action, wrapped around my shaft
>and a squeeze
>Beyond good, give me another
>I squeeze back but she doesn’t get the message
>Or she’s teaing me even more
>Until i squeeze again and she stirs
>Moves up, back, a little bit away from where she was holding me
>Arm moved beneath me, farther back pinning her wrists under my sides
>Then another squeeze on me.


>Eyes wide open now
>It’s pitch black in this room, either late, or early morning with no sun and clouds still raining.
>But i knew where both of gadget’s hands were
>and neither of them were the one in my boxers.
>Like, i should come up with a rule
>Double check before fondling
>Triple check before getting fondled
>Seriously i mean what was this, the third, fourth time now
>I’m not playing the covert ops game anymore
>I sit bolt the fuck upright
>Grab the hand
>A squealing girl follows


>It’s obvious because she squeals that same damn way anytime anything happens unexpected
>She definitely didn’t even think i was awake
>I yank her by the wrist and get her other one
>Pull her up to her feet and throw her towards the other bed.
>Frankly i’m not sure what to do with her
>Since if i even let lewd occur, i’m probably going to die without gadget awake to stop a cabinet from falling on me again
>I throw on a bedside light
>Gadget still topless, rolls over and snuggles her face up into the pillow i was using
>Blondie’s got some pajamas she put on to sleep in
>But she’s sitting cross legged pouting on the other bed
>I rummage my way over to one of the bags on the floor
>It doesn’t matter, because it isn’t mine
>Any of em will have what i need
>I grab two pairs
>She’ll have no clue whats coming


>Poor blondie is just sitting there, wiggling her toes
>Looking kinda cute
>Too bad
>Tackle the fuck out of her
>To the bed, forced back
>My hand at her throat
>Other around her wrists, pinning them above her head.
>Then i take a pair of the underwear i’m carrying and tie her wrists together
>Not really a hard feat, just a double wrap and a kinda knot
>Without her even realizing what i’ve done i let go
>Slide down to her legs, pin them too
>Repeat the same action with her ankles
>Leaving her more or less motionless, unable to move at all
>She didn’t actually struggle so i don’t know if it counts
>didn’t even fight me
>Probably didn’t even realize what i was doing until it was too late and i had her legs
>Doesn’t matter
>Tied up little girl in my arms
>Incapable of hurting me
>Ravishing her probably safe now


>Not really because the first thing i do is go for her pants
>I mean she was yelling things or something
>Ignored her mostly, because it wasn’t “No”
>It was something about how she was just trying to be nice and return the favor because she hurt me.
>Nothing i needed to be concerned with.
>Stick a hand in, wiggle it around a bit
>She gives one of those teasing moans
>I try to finger her
>Finally tie her up so she can’t hurt me, and looks like she’s already bleeding all over the place.
>Plus i can’t have my way with her
>Why do i even try
>Fuck it


>I pick her up
>Half pick her up really
>Mostly just force her to take little hops over to the bed i was in with gadget
>I get back in
>Take leverage to give myself a little blonde pillow this time.
>But with a trick
>Her hands are tied, wrists too, but not her arms
>Place em above my head, over my shoulders
>Pull her into myself
>Gadget spooning from behind, blondie forcibly hugging
>Except it was really hot
>Frankly it was about the least comfortable i’d been in a bed in weeks
>So i shoved blondie off and left her tied
>Told her if she needed to pee she could wake me up
>Im such a jerk
>Rolled away from gadget and just ended up in the middle
>Back to sleep.

>So we wake up again
>Except not me
>There’s a god damn hand, on my dick again
>I swear to god blondie
>I grope around
>Find her hands
>Still tied
>The one in my pants gives a squeeze
>I search around behind me
>Find one of her hands
>It must be the other one
>I find that one too.


>I jump out of bed again
>Knock someone off, hear a clunk as they hit the ground
>I reach over and turn on the bedside light
>Click click click
>No light
>I fucking ninja flip my way across the other bed and to the lightswitch on the wall
>Holy god damn feet dont touch the ground
>Hit the light
>Light floods the room

>I knocked blondie off the bed, she’s on the ground
>Rubbing her head or something
>Gadget’s wide awake, staring at me from her perch
>There’s nobody else
>There’s no “Under the bed” to check
>The bathroom’s empty
>The door is locked
>There’s no way there were five hands

>Later that morning
>Sitting bolt upright we heard a knock at the door
>Blondie shrieked, left the bed
>Gadget hid under the covers
>I got up and answered it
>Something about it being time to leave
>Breakfast at a nearby ihop or something
>We all pick up our bags, fully packed
>Flee in terror from that room


Update #21 : July 11th



>Wake up last
>Check my pockets, there’s a hand in my pants
>Not mine, someone must have left it behind
>Probably gadget
>Figures 8 through 3
>Breasts are fair play too!
>Or not
>It was blondie all along!
>Tie her up
>Fix that part
>Back to snoozing
>Except there’s another hand
>Damnit blondie!
>Not her though
>Damnit Gadget!
>Not her though
>There’s nobody else here


>Well it doesn’t really matter what happened in that room
>Just because Thing from the addams family suddenly decided to visit us doesn’t mean anything
>We don’t talk about it alright
>I mean we weren’t jumping at creaks from the wind on the rafters, or jolting awake from squeaks of the floorboards as the motel shifted.
>We didn’t listen to shrieks and bangs from rooms adjacent to us that didn’t seem to come from the storm outside.
>Glass breaking, maybe a window.
>Wailing from a soul recently departed
>Moaning, Groaning, the splintering of wood.
>Just because we were fully packed and out the door in seconds, that didn’t mean anything.
>We don’t talk about what happened in room 6 adjacent to ours, and if anyone asks we weren’t there.
>Leave it at that
>I said LEAVE IT.

>We left the room and it was drizzling
>Not stormy anymore, there was sun out, scattered rainclouds
>World looked fresh and new
>Then the air was crisp and delicious, but i don’t really have to explain that at all
>You should know what the world smells like after it rains.
>Unless you don’t, and then i’m deeply sorry
>The three of us shuffle over to the car, bags in hand
>We’ve got clothes on again, that was part of packing of course
>We look like haunted souls
>Faces torn into grimaces resembling zombies
>Gadget with the slack jaw, deep set eyes and downward stare.
>Blondie with one arm outstretched, the other limp at her side carrying a bag, dragging her heels along.
>She’s just asleep pretending not to be
>and myself i’m hunched over forwards and sideways
>Mouth in a silent groan
>I’m leaning to the right, even though i’m carrying two bags of equal weight
>Something hurts wrong
>Proper undead we must be

>Freckles handed blondie the keys and had returned back to the room for something.
>We open the doors, start to pile everything in
>Smells like air freshener.
>Hear laughter in the distance
>Which is funny, because we all unanimously turn around and watch the other hotel door open, room 8.
>Raven first, then Glasses, than Freckles
>Bubbling stream of happiness and joy
>all of them giggling about a joke or something
>nearly bouncing every step they take
>effortlessly carrying the bags they brought out.
>Gadget mumbles something under her breath about the girls
>calls them a “Baba” something.
>Its probably another language
>Doesn’t matter, blondie agrees
>Me too
>They arrive beside us
>Completely oblivious to our zombified state
>Glasses strikes up some kind of conversation about an old joke with blondie
>To which she just nods along silently to
>Freckles helps gadget with her bag and offers her the shotgun seat since she hasn’t ridden in it yet
>Oddly nice today
>No clue why
>I’m too tired to jump to conclusions
>Then raven shows up
>Instantly beside me, like she just teleported
>I’m assaulted by the familiar sensation of what you humans call a “Hug”
>Then headfirst into a question, hopeful tone into my ear.
>”I forgive you for what you said in the car yesterday by-the-way, let’s sit together again?”

>I’m still holding two bags
>So my arms are limply at my sides
>Glad really, i don’t know if i would have hugged back.
>Thinking about it, no, actually
>I wouldn’t have hugged back
>It’s kinda like my thoughts had time to mix, muddle and muddy themselves overnight
>That long night with no sleep
>I said i wasn’t mad
>That i was fine with it, i’d talk with her in the morning
>That i’d just fuck around a little bit and it would be all over.
>Well things had changed
>Not to be the girl in this situation but “I forgive YOU”
>Yeah, ain’t the place or the time after what i caught her doing.
>She owed me a good box or two of get out of jail free cards for that.
>Just keeping up appearances, that’s what she was doing
>So i did the same
>Let out a grunt, shoved the rest of the bags in the car.

>Gadget said she forgot something and ran back to our room, came out a minute later
>Walking kind of funny, maybe she stubbed her toe
>Waves her ipod around in the air, she left it in the bathroom.
>We end up in a rather creative mixture of seating
>Blondie and Glasses in the back seat, sitting one window each
>Freckles driving, Gadget shotgun
>Myself in the very middle, and raven to my left side.
>We’re all buckled, situated, everything accounted for
>Glasses has sorted the checkouts properly, the front desk was supposedly really busy
>And we drive away
>The other three don’t notice, and we don’t mention it
>But the door of room 6 is missing.


>I would pretend it was all lovey dovey and fine up there in the middle seat
>Raven was cuddling me and purring in her own little way
>I was just there
>Stone faced
>Staring forward, or out a window
>Trying my best to ignore her
>She didn’t get the hint, and probably wouldn’t ever
>Women don’t ever get hints like that, they chug along like nothing is wrong
>Right alongside you to the bitter end
>The other girls seem to have discovered which dimension of being lost we had managed to enter.
>Twelfth plane of torment it seems, on the way to the kitchen
>Whatever it was, we knew where we were now
>Got directions back from a friendly friendly demon
>Front seaters are delegated the task of finding us an appropriate breakfast joint
>Glasses is chatting up a storm, i’m pretty sure blondie is just pretending to be awake and listening.
>Raven’s telling me something as if it was important
>I’m not really listening
>And even if i was i didn’t care
>Guess i was mad
>It wasn’t as much what she did, as how she was acting the next morning
>Like we were besties still and nothing even happened
>She wasn’t even embarrassed, or avoiding eye contact with me
>Just playing it straight
>I was about to tell her to shut up
>But we pull into the parking lot of an Ihop
>Yeah alright, pancakes better make me less mad

>I didn’t really pay attention to anything else
>The way she opened the door, jet black hair in a swish as she dropped the distance to the ground in a little hop
>Her bouncing steps, she was wearing some slip on silly shoes as she bounded over the asphalt and up onto the curb
>The jean thigh-high skirt she was wearing bouncing along.
>Through the door gadget was holding for everyone
>How she smiled, asked the male waiter nicely for seating for six. Hands behind her back and a 10 degree lean to the right.
>Telling him “Don’t worry, we’ll fit” when he asks if a booth is fine.
>How she nearly bubbled and trickled her way across the god-awful carpet designs to our booth
>Shoved me in first, then went in next so i was against the wall.
>But she was against me
>Like she was the only girl i was allowed to touch, as she cuddled up under my arm and we waited for food
>It came to mind she might be trying to make it up to me
>So now i could count
>Every time she was more cuddly, more awake bubbly and romantic than usual in the mornings
>Count the times she couldn’t keep her hands off me in innocent, and as she had already slipped her shoes off and was playing footsie with me, not so innocent ways.
>I could look back, and count
>And that just pissed me off

>For a breakfast with all of us
>It was quiet, amazingly so
>Glasses was sitting across from me
>Tried footsie once, but found raven’s feet and backed off
>I grit my teeth
>Conversation was sparse
>Just ordered pancakes and waited
>Glasses tried, but with Blondie myself and gadget more or less unresponsive, she doesn’t get anything out of us.
>She and freckles end up the only conversation
>Something about roads to take or maps or something, i don’t listen
>Just stare at the table
>It’s not too much of a warning to anyone else, because blondie and gadget are doing the same thing

>I think raven realized
>Freckles too, but only the one beside me asked.
>We got a question
>”What, did you guys not sleep well?”
>I don’t answer, neither do they
>But that’s fucking strike two.
>Raven shoots me a worried look
>Asks a couple more questions, and i either give simple answers or nothing at all
>At which point she hugs me harder, kind of sideways and cuddly in the seat
>Tells me she’ll keep me company until i feel better
>Thats definitely what i need
>Strike motherfucking three

>The only thing that stops me from snapping and striking that bitch out of the park is the pancakes
>They arrive, they’re delicious, i chew the fuck out of some pancakes
>All those fixings
>Butter, Maple syrup
>More butter, more butter, more butter
>Maybe if i clog my arteries it’ll stop my chest from hurting.
>Drown my sorrows in pancakes
>She still plays footsie and cuddles with me
>Takes adorable bites out of some of the pancakes, eats a sausage seductively
>I mean if that’s even a thing, or i’m just a pervert.
>Then she says something about me having maple syrup on the side of my mouth
>Takes a paper napkin, licks it and scrunches it up to go and wipe it off me
>I guess i react
>Shrink away, hold up an arm to stop her
>I don’t know who notices
>Not freckles since she’s having a kicking war with a half-asleep blondie on our side of the table.
>Nor gadget, Maybe glasses since i see a glint or two of reflected light off her lenses
>But raven notices
>Footsie stops
>She asks what’s wrong, serious, quiet and far far too worried than she deserves to be.
>I ignore her, grab my own damn napkin and wipe my cheek
>There wasn’t anything anyway, she just wanted an excuse to lavish care on me.

>That was cute
>But i wasn’t interested
>I focused on other things
>The other people in the restaurant
>Used my sherlock holmes powers, because it was a distraction.
>A couple, obviously cheating on respective spouses
>Mid 40s, obviously both married, but not to one another.
>Both had rings, The man was uncomfortable being around the woman
>and she was suckling her fingers every chance she got
>They finished, she got up and pulled him along
>Obviously for some one-on-one cheating.
>Then another couple
>Second, third date maybe
>Still trying to decide if they really liked one another, but they were young
>I could see them laughing, sometimes forcibly with one another’s jokes
>Like they just didn’t fit as well as they thought they did.
>That didn’t help at all
>So i stared down at my food

>I actually kind of felt sick
>So i just stared off to the side, at the menu sitting on the wall
>Read about the new fruit themed almost-alcoholic beverage teas they were serving now.
>You know the ones parents can drink when they’re regretting not going to a bar that served pancakes instead.
>Six or seven times
>Pineapple, Peach and ice tea, that one sounded good.
>We just all got water
>Can’t drown myself in water very well
>But i try
>Crunch on ice for the rest of the meal
>Someone pays, tips the waiter for putting up with us
>Even if we were little angels, not loud or anything, didn’t make a mess
>Still, murrica
>Raven doesn’t touch me the entire time, not again

>We finish up, arrive back at the car
>She’s still frolicking as though through fields of poppies or lilies
>Gadget’s still frolicking as though through a bog of cattails
>[spoiler]So dragging her feet the entire way[/spoiler]
>We arrive in the same seats
>Even though i try to get away, it seems every other spot is taken before i get to it
>So no escape
>I end up in the same place
>Raven at first doesn’t touch me
>As if she’s deciding what the best course of action was
>I obviously wasn’t reciprocating her attentions at all
>I was pushing her off, nearly telling her no in non-verbal form.
>But all that fuss in the restaurant didn’t seem to to phase her
>She went in for another hug and a snuggle
>Wrapped one of her legs around mine
>Whispered in my ear something about me not having to apologize, it was fine now
>Strike four
>Then she tried to kiss me
>I shoved her off

>Real hard shove
>Not even a little bit soft
>Then she tried asking me what was wrong
>Real worried this time,
>While doing the absolute wrong thing, which was getting real close again
>Even unbuckled her seatbelt to snuggle up to me
>I could smell the maple syrup on her breath
>But it wasn’t blondie
>Shoved her off again
>Fuck i didn’t want to deal with  this right now
>Neither did she it seems
>She yelled something
>”What’s your PROBLEM”
>Shoved back
>Wasn’t much time involved
>quick really
>Slapfight, catfight, shoves and pushes
>We didn’t really hit one another, but there was yanking of various bits, shoves, squeezes and yelling
>the car shuddered to a halt

>The car door opens right as i give raven a rather hard shove
>Which instead of her tumbling  backwards into the door
>She just tumbles right out back first
>I dont even know what happened next
>The other door opens, i was yanked out and my seatbelt undone
>Glasses screaming at me  asking what the fuck i was doing
>”What’s your problem all of a sudden, she’s   just trying to be-”
>I cut her off
>”Shut the fuck up slut”
>oh wow
>You know what
>I lied
>I’m really fucking angry at both of them
>And at myself
>Funny sometimes
>How you think you’re not angry but you’re just lying to yourself
>This was one of those times
>And Glasses when white faced, prim lipped
>Didn’t say another word as i shoved her off too
>I get a glimpse of freckles  inspecting raven
>that good ol question “What happened?”
>Raven’s crying and telling her she doesn’t know
>Fuck em
>I crawl in back, lie down across the entire back row where glasses was sitting
>Use blondie’s lap as a pillow
>Fuck, em.

>Glasses yells back at me
>”We aren’t moving until you tell us what the fuck that was just about you jerk”
>She continues,
>”All she is is nice to you, and you just up and treat her like this, what the fuck”
>She’s serious
>Fuck her too
>Two can play at the making others feel like shit game
>I throw out the big guns, real quick
>”Yo Glasses, you ever ask gadget how she got those cuts on her legs?”
>Blondie’s silent
>Freckles is silent outside
>I can still hear sobbing,
>Gadget shifts in her seat, even though her legs are covered she hides them anyway.
>i ask the second question
>”What about freckles, or blondie? Did they tell you what happened?”
>Her face says it all
>Eyes cold behind those rims of steel
>Of course they didn’t

>She’s a main culprit, and the last to know i guess
>I lay it thick and hard
>”What, did you think we just walked back safe after you left us at the fucking hot spring?”
>Fuck i’m even cracking in my voice every word
>”That we walked back all cozy to the room and everything was fine?”
>Just staring up at the car ceiling from blondie’s pillow of a lap
>”Everyone knows but you, because it’s practically your fault”
>I pause, let that sink in
>That she’s left out of the loop for once
>She’s not used to that i bet
>”Well we waited for you and you never came, and we walked, got  assaulted, nearly fucking raped and killed.”
>It’s not really, but i sum it up that way
>”It’s all your fault too,”
>Then the kicker
>”And guess what, that’s not even what i’m fucking pissed at you for,  so fuck the fuck off”
>Theres times when you want to have a little tact
>Save face, keep everyone friends
>Now was not one of those times.

>What we had right here was a good ol fashioned rift in the ranks
>On our cattle drive, a couple of the cowboys realized they didn’t get along
>See, Raven and Glasses were now on my shit list
>They weren’t this morning, but i kinda just put them both there
>Freckles could go to hell for all i cared
>Gadget wasn’t on very good terms with Glasses or Freckles, and probably not raven through me.
>Freckles and Raven weren’t on very good terms either.
>I think blondie was kinda neutral, but leaning towards my side too.
>Not to mention all those other little intricate relationship points i don’t want to calculate out on paper
>The deal was
>I just started the shitstorm
>If we were somehow getting along now, we might be at one another’s throats now
>So fuck em, Blondie’s lap is comfy
>She doesn’t mind, hasn’t said a word
>Someone’s still crying, and i’m not sure its Raven.
>I doze off, maybe a little bit but not much

>I wake up a little bit later
>Blondie’s asleep with her hand on my shoulder
>I don’t care what the other  seating order is
>don’t get up and look
>Just listen
>Someone mentions  we’re in texas now
>Then we hit what can only be a toll road
>I’m not watching, just listening
>But the person at the booth asks for  $3.50
>I sit bolt upright, but it’s too late
>We’ve already passed the booth
>I wasn’t quick enough to stop us from giving them the money
>The monster from the paleolithic era
>The fucking loch ness monster
>in texas, who would ever expect it

>Still it seems things had changed
>Raven was all the way upfront, Glasses middle left and Gadget middle
>Didn’t really matter to me
>Glasses batted an eye at me when i got up
>Turned away quickly
>I made small talk with gadget
>Jokes, topics of interest
>Asked her just how much music she brought along
>Days and days according to her
>Every now and then i would get a look
>Freckles would give me little angry looks, maybe for hurting raven.
>But not really, maybe just a questioning look from her looked angry
>Maybe she was worried
>As if that would happen
>Glasses gave me looks too,
>I would expect angry looks or something
>I did call her a slut
>But they weren’t angry
>Her eyes were cold, sad,
>I bet she was crying
>And raven
>She wasn’t even giving me looks
>Fuck her.

>So i waited
>Waited for her to give me one
>Then there it was
>Sad eyes
>Angry eyes
>I wasn’t really looking at those green wonders though
>I leaned forward and whispered in gadget’s ear
>The ear without an earbud in it, luckily
>”Come sit with me, and giggle on your way back”
>She did it, beautifully
>Green eyes up front, she gave me a look of disgust
>And some kind of sadness
>I was taking some kind of sadistic pleasure in toying with her emotions
>So i was probably an asshole
>Not probably
>But i was enjoying it
>And in my mind, she deserved it
>So i scooted over
>Gadget unbuckled and came back
>Lay her head down on my lap
>Feet on blondie’s legs
>Her jacket rides up, just a tiny bit
>I see stomach, and bellybutton
>Remember i’ve seen much more
>She notices i’m not as soft a pillow as i usually would be.

>Which results in karma
>Really, if not for me, karmic justice against raven
>Doesn’t really matter what i call it
>Gadget realizes i have a hardon and flips over
>Gives it a squeeze
>Yeah probably karma
>I see her cute little face scrunch up
>Almost questioning
>Then another squeeze
>And she asks
>”Can i…?”
>Little flicker of the eyes
>Exactly what raven did Day one huh?
>I should have seen this coming
>Why not.
>I nod
>She places her hand on my lap again, and unzips
>Rather loud actually
>I’m worried someone will hear
>But blondie’s still asleep, and Glasses doesn’t turn around.

>Lean back
>Might as well enjoy the-
>No chance to even think about it
>She’s got my dick in her mouth
>Not soft either, not licks
>Just flat out envelops it in warmth
>She’s got absolutely no technique
>Just attempting to eat the darn thing
>Probably like a corndog, or popsicle
>I can be thankful she’s not using her teeth, but that’s about it
>I would instruct her otherwise, but there’s no way for me to do that
>Not without waking everyone up
>Or alerting them to what’s happening
>So i do the universal language, give her a push downwards
>If she’s gonna eat my banana, might as well try for the full thing.
>It’s not the best sensation, but it’ll do
>Karma is still that thing
>Because Glasses decides right then she wants to turn around
>Apologize for what what she did to gadget and myself
>She’s halfway through the apology too
>Before she realizes


>She gets one good look
>Gadget’s happily going at it, not a care in the world
>I think frankly she’s just as much curious of what its like to blow a guy, as she was grateful i got her off the night before.
>One good deed deserves another as the saying goes.
>See, glasses
>She turned around and got that good look
>Saw what could only be a pretty clear indication of why i wasn’t talking to raven
>Probably because i was cheating on her with gadget
>I mean what else do you assume
>I wasn’t going to explain it
>But now it was like glasses understood it all
>Saw a different picture than she had a moment before
>Her apology stops
>instead i get different words
>”So… this is why you’re not…”
>Trails off
>Gadget hears her though and starts to pull up
>I’m really not interested in dealing with modesty or politics
>So i hold her down, lightly
>Tell her in a directed soft tone
>Hesitation would be a thing, but i guess not
>She trusted me, and i was going to deal with glasses anyway
>So she started back up again, differently this time
>Suction was involved
>And my face changed from a smiling glare at glasses, to an O.

>Gadget even curled her toes a bit
>Squiggled them in the wrong place, brushed up against the wrong part of the thighs on blondie
>She was awake too
>Groggily wiping the sleep from her eyes
>See i mean this looked bad
>But it wasn’t
>Not even close
>See, blondie already knew gadget and i were having our fun.
>She wasn’t an issue, i even offered to include her if she stopped with the murdering.
>Gadget was going to town on her own, and doing wonders with her tongue.
>Then glasses was just staring
>A mixture of things
>”What the fuck”
>and a bunch of other things.
>She was too surprised to act sorry
>Or be really sorry
>Doesn’t matter, she was safe too.
>Because she kept the secret of Raven cheating.
>So she wouldn’t betray me
>She couldn’t
>Bro code forbid it
>And i gave her a smile, a knowing smile
>She couldn’t do anything but watch
>bro code worked both ways yo
>She smiled back
>Turned around
>”Hey Raven!”
>oh sh..
>Maybe it didn’t

>Gadget coughed
>Blondie jumped up flailing her arms and shrieking at Glasses like she was insane
>Freckles swerved, Raven turned around in her seat
>I grabbed a lock of Glasses’ hair and started to pull her back and growl “Don’t you dare”
>All in all, Glasses got out only a couple of words
>”I’m done, i’m telli-”
>Before the consecutive mass of screaming grabbing from the back got her pinned
>and Raven, from the front yelling something too.
>Sounded like “Don’t!”
>Half cry, half yell
>Who knows why Glasses stopped ultimately, but the car was loud for a moment.
>I didn’t hear it
>That lovely fuzz had started
>Green met mine blue
>And i came quite a sum down Gadget’s throat
>I think she swallowed, maybe because she didn’t have a choice at that angle
>Maybe because she wanted to and saw raven do it earlier.
>Funny how that always works out though
>I wasn’t thinking of gadget, i was looking Raven right in the eyes and smiling
>I know my eyes sparkled for a moment
>Wondered if i gave it away, any twitches or faces i made
>She would know
>But that was a thought that came later
>First thought was how it was funny i never seemed to be thinking about  the girl giving me the blowjob, just whoever i was making eye contact with.
>Second thought
>Was i wondered how many more it would take to make things even between us.


Updates #22-23-24: July 14th-18th

Frogbro was there. Again







Updates #22-23-24: July 14th-18th

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